The NASDAQ Composite has been within the grasp of a selling trend since late November of 2021, and traders who feel the urge to buy should understand their goals and time frames clearly.
The NASDAQ Composite has seen a strong wave of selling take hold of its equities since the later stage of 2021. Investors have likely been spooked by inflation and high PE ratios which correlate into questionable values and fears of over exuberance and reactions. The combination of U.S Federal Reserve policy which is certainly having an effect on behavioral sentiment is problematic too. Investors are not fans of unclear outlooks and current economic conditions are definitely causing nervous sentiment.
Many traders and investors have not experienced a sincere bear market during their financial careers. Indices and their equities have produced a rather steady upwards vehicle for years. The thought that an equity index can actually go down for a long duration, without significant reversals higher following is troubling and new for many people. Timing new trends is exceptionally hard. An investor who has a ten year outlook certainly brings a different perspective to buying the NASDAQ Composite compared to a day trader who is likely maneuvering in the index with short term wagers using CFDs.

Current market conditions in the NASDAQ and other major global equity indices remain challenging and this will likely continue into early this summer. The U.S Federal Reserve will be conducting an FOMC meeting in mid-June and another interest rate hike is likely being considered. A potential rate hike of 0.50% may be seen. The potential of this additional hike to the current interest rate of 1.00% has likely been digested into the marketplace by financial institutions, but that is not the end of the troubling concerns.
Technical traders who watch the daily results of the NASDAQ Composite and other indices may attempt to speculate on the gyrations of their moves based on short term volatility. These traders should understand they are also battling large institutional traders who use complex algorithms to pursue their positions. The combination of nervous equity markets caused by uncertain economic outlooks, while it waits on the pronouncements of the U.S Federal Reserve are bound to deliver more nervous results in the NASDAQ Composite and other global equity indices.
While it may be accepted that the U.S Fed will raise interest rates again in June, the greater question that financial institutions want answered is what the U.S central bank’s outlook on additional interest rate hikes in the summer and fall will be. Inflation in the U.S remains troubling high. The rising costs of logistics, food and consumer goods are largely a manifestation of higher energy costs.
Yes, coronavirus has been a large ingredient too, regarding inflation and its current effect on employment and the resulting lack of workers is a component in the equation due to new perspectives among the workforce. The shortage of employable labor has also sparked concerns about demographics for the future. While the virus and its effects seem to have eroded in the West for the time being, unfortunately there are concerns regarding a potentially large problem in China if coronavirus infections continue to occur there. Shutdowns in China due to the virus can affect supply and commodities prices globally.
The costs of higher energy and commodity prices are something that companies and consumers will have to deal with in the months ahead. Disinflation is likely to come, but it may take a handful of months more. It is a complex puzzle and traders who want to bet on short term results will have to endure sudden storms of volatility which are likely to arise. Unanswered questions await and because of the shadows that hover over the economic landscape, clarity is not going to be delivered soon.