Today I got the date wrong, I thought it was Friday the 9th of September, turns out that I caught the error and managed to hide some of the wrong usage. In another calendar gone wrong saga, a couple of years ago I believed there would be a 31st of April on a following day.
I couldn't understand why my significant other was giving me an odd look when I asked her several times to confirm an event we were scheduled to attend that Sunday, which turned out to be the 1st of May. She thought I was playing a late April Fools' Day joke, but no I simply did not know there wasn't a 31st of April. I learned to accept I was wrong.
I don't know everything. This summer has produced wicked results in Forex and the affects have been hard to swallow for many speculators. The strength of the USD has been steadfast in many cases. The upwards path of U.S Treasury yields have certainly shadowed the markets. The slight downhill slope of U.S stock indices this week has added some loud chatter, this as media pundits clamor for the next apocalypse to gain ratings.

I do not know what will happen today in the stock markets or next week. I also do not know what will happen at the G20 this weekend in India, except I will bet Joe Biden makes an error to two regarding context as he speaks. The broad financial markets are showing signs of nervousness certainly, but it is hard to time when there will be an optimistic turnaround or a bone crushing downturn, or if things will simply remain unclear over the mid-term.
Risk analysis is a bit like forecasting the weather, most of the time you can look up at the sky and and tell what the next 12 and hopefully 24 hours will bring. Within the trading world you can often tell by volumes and price velocity if a potential storm is building. I certainly do not want to be someone known as a scaremonger. I prefer to warn and remind traders to use entry points, stop losses, take profits, and to know how to navigate potential ill winds, while searching for smooth sailing.
The trend in the USD has been strong and while I tend to believe that a 'downturn' is due, the ability of the 'greenback' to continue adding value in Forex cannot be denied. The drop in value of the EUR and GBP the past month and a half is not only interesting, but creates the gut instinct that something is 'not right' in the markets. Yes, I can take a look at U.S Treasuries and try to correlate all results to the higher yields, and economic data, but it feels like something else is amiss. I see 'oversold' and 'overbought' signals aplenty, but the market prices are real, even if my sentiment tells me something is wrong, and until the markets reverse I have to remain cautious regarding my outlooks.
Short-term market outlook looks chaotic . Nervous results continue to filter into view. During these type of conditions I prefer to trust my long-term vision. One insight that has grown on me in the past year is that I am 'long' India. I believe the development and progress we are witnessing within India is important and that the nation will continue to make great strides if it remains stable and democratic. Understanding short-term conditions are rough and need to be dealt with carefully is crucial, and having a long-term plan to work towards provides a solid path to improve.